Dear visitor, thank You for clicking this picture. I hope, that in this part, You will widen Your outlook, and understand what I mean when I wrote: "..Ukraine is not Russia" or "...that is liked by the western and eastern ukrainians- this happens very rarely". The difference between people is very big. It happens because two banks of "Dnipro" river was ruled by different countries, with different systems of societies, last 300 years(see the "Main page" with map). Ukraine was not always sattelite. The kingdom Kyiv Rus, gave to lands, that now belong to Russia christian religion, brought culture to tribles that lived in modern russian territories and the name RUSsia has roots from the name of the kingdom.
Ruling of communists was final point in ruin of the ukrainian people and culture. During the ruling of comrade Stalin Ukraine lost near 7.000.000 people, between years 1924-1941 and 1945-1953 (compare, during WW2 was killed 6.000.000 jews in Europe). Nobody, except ukrainian immigrants in Canada, Australia, Brasil, that avoided stalin terror, and modern ukrainians know about this. Instead of victims, flood of russian immigrants appeared in Ukraine. Ukrainians, that are survived, were deported to the far east of Russia(it is 6000 kilometers), deserts in the south of Russia and syberia. So, communists achieved what they want, they changed the way of thinking of people. And now, there is the mixture of the ukrainian and russian people in the eastern, southern, central, nothern parts of Ukraine.
Communists came to the western Ukraine only in 1939. Two years was not enough for making order, because in 1941 WW2 began in this territories. In the period of 1945-1953 all the forces were dedicated to restoring of USSR, and communists had no enough time for order. And, in 1953 Stalin died. Brutal terror was finished. Become acquainted with methods of terror here:
If You will want to collect from the internet the information about Ukraine before visiting, it is possible that You will meet only dark pages of the history of this country. Some of these sites is correct- a lot of them is dedicated to Chernobyl. A lot of sites show Ukraine as a country of dissapointed, sad, melancholic people, with quotations from folk songs.(For example, authors quotate the national anthem, the first line of which "Ukraine haven't died yet"- it is terrible knowledge of languages of the author, because first line is "In Ukraine haven't died yet", and others lines will explain to You what hav't died, and what will not die. Two letters can change the sense, and some authors use it). Last times, a lot of people, especially russians become to recollect the history of Ukraine in the period of WW2, especially the province that is called "Galicia"("Galitsija" or ""- western part of the country). Authors tell facts, but don't want to explain, why people did this. If You have read about methods of the red terror, You will understand these reasons.
In any case, if You have the possibilty to visit this country- you must use this possibility and don't trust any opinions. Because all they depends on the author and on the boss, they pay the author for informing. It will be first and last possibility for You to create Yours own opinion. Here You will find everything: from wonderful landscapes and nature in Galicia region(and You will understand, that these people are not barbarians, but very kind and well disposed people), till another kinds of landscapes in the centeral and southern part, that is situated in the Black Sea. |