

Main page

Flag This site is dedicated to Odessa and it will be in use for people that want to visit this city. The author of this site don't want to thrust his opinion on You. He just want to tell some facts about this city.


The idea of the creation of this page appeared after communication with people that visited Odessa and Odessa region. They were disappointed because they did not get satisfaction they want. Disappoitment

Outside downtown

Map Odessa is situated in the Southern part of Ukraine in the Black sea coast. The city was founded 207 years ago. The history of the city is not rich and is connected with wars of the Russian Empire and with periods when gifted people from empire took rest here.




The historical downtown was built by famous Europian architects. When You look to wonderful figures in the balconies or roofs, pay attention to foots.- Possible, that you have steped to shit. When You try not to step to shit, pay attention to roofs and balconies.-Possible, that part of the wonderful figure will fall down to your head. Shit_Head
Cocktail Today Odessa has over one million of population. This is the biggest city in the sea coast of Ukraine. It is impossible to say about nationality of this people. There was a flood of immigrants from western Europe, Russia, southern countries two hundreds years ago. Townspeople are the mixture of 70 nationalities, but main are: ukrainians, russians, jews, bulgarians, romanians.
Want to see here guys with beard that drink vodka from the bottle and playing balalaika in the same time? There is only one possibility to do it- to visit russian type of restaurants and pay such amount of money that will be enough for ticket to Russia, where such guys will sing to You for the single glass of vodka. Different_countries
Spent_money There is a wide range of restaurants, that have such specific: prices depends not on quality and taste of dishes, but on place and design of the restaurant. Everything depends on, what will You choose:to spend 100 dollars (for example)(98 Euro) in popular restaurant,or to spend 20 dollars(19,5 Euro) in not popular restaurant for the same kind of the dish.
Alcohol drinks are needed to buy in special dealers shops. In other way, it is possible to buy not vodka, but mixture of technical alcohol and water, with awful consequence for the health. Instead of brandwine- mixture of tea (for color), sugar and alcohol; instead of wine- mixture of alcohol with something. Prices in Euro for bottle of: vodka-1,7...10; brandwine-3...200; wine-1...5; beer-0,3-0,4 Poison
Sleep_here The place of living in Odessa depends on size of the purse or bank count. The problem with hotels is absent. Cheapest way is to rent a flat. If You will choose this way, pay attention to the owner of the flat- to avoid different problems and missing of Yours things and baggage.
To get to Odessa is simple: by railway, by bus, by plane. To get by sea- is not very easy- timetable is absent, as well as ships, that were sold as second hand metal. Sold_out
Wonderful_roads Look for new adventures? Try to get to city by own car.
Don't talk with gipsy. All they want- money: all money that You have. They know the art of hypnosis. Purse_after_gipsy
Purse_after_thiefs Odessa is a city of gifted thiefs. No one from these guys will force You to give Your money. They will do everything( with a help of words only) for understanding, that better is to share Your money with them.
Everyone speak russian. Small percent of people speak ukrainian and bulgarian. Majority of young people know foreign languages: english, german, french. Communication
  • For ENGLISH speaking:
    1. Word "тAK" has similar pronunciation with "FUCK", but this is the short name from the word FACULITY
    2. Word "THREW" has similar pronunciation with word "CPY", that means "I AM SHITING"

  • For GERMAN speaking:
    1. Gesture in the picture means: everything is OK, or zero.
    2. Word "охгдхьэ", that means you lie(uses by drunkards) has similar pronunciation with german "VERPISS DICH".
    3. Word "юь" is impossible to translate. It uses in sentences like these: "You must go on foot "юь" three kilometers"- it means: you must go on foot three kilometers and this is not a small distance. Or: I woke up "юь" in twelve"- it means: I woke up in twelve. As usual I wake up earlier. This word has similar pronunciation with "ARSCH".
    4. Better not to use word "Herr", If You want say Your name. In russian "Herr" has similar pronunciation with "XEP", that means "Penis".

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