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Railway Odessa has a similar reality with all ukrainians cities. There a lot of cities in Ukraine, the life in which is much more difficult then here. In this chapter You will find some facts, that will help You to understand the problems, that majority of population have. And may be, Your anger on this people will turn into understanding. Because, Yours country lived in similar way years ago too.


Odessa is a finish point in the structure of the ukrainian economic. All railways and roads serve for exporting metal and agricultiral production to other countries. Instead of these resourses Ukraine get low quality consumers goods from Turkey and others countries. So, don't fall through the hatch of the sewerage. It is not very pleasantly. Hatches are metal too, very good and very hard second metal. A lot of people thief it and sell for buying bread or ...vodka. Hatches


Click_here The big mistake, is to think that ukrainian agricultural workers are richest. They work very good, have best soil in Europe- but it is not enough. The rulers of the country know the history very good. They use the experience of the communist party during ruling of which 7 million ukrainians were killed by Stalin and his company for their property. Agricultural workers became slaves, and now they sell their production for funny prices, 5 cents for one liter of milk, for example. For more information click the image.

Outside downtown



Finding the work is very hard process. In Odessa this process is more easy, then in other parts of Ukraine. A lot of private labour exchange will suggest a lot of vacancies, that were downloaded from internet year ago, and will take the money for acquaintance with it. The vacancies, that were not downloaded are: trader in the market, builder, driver, prostitute. Prostitute
Cats_dogs_vacancies Trader is very good vacancy, but "conteiner markets" (the place for trading is conteiner, for transporting cargos by railway or by sea, without heating and electricity) are very dirty, with big amount of rats, mouses, and cats. Traders in this markets are people that worked in the industry, in universities, in schools. People lefted it, because plants were thiefed; pay for teaching in the school is very low and it is impossible to live with such pay; some of them lefted the universities because they didn't share their bribes with chiefs. Bribes are very usual in the high education of Ukraine, and their size from 10 to 300 US dollars.
In the 90% of all cases people don't get money, they were promised. As usual, they work three month and get money for half month only. Sometimes, they owe money to their chiefs- as usual it is missing of something, that was thiefed not by the worker, but by the chief. Such occurrence happens with young men and women in the supermarkets or in the markets. Beginning_of_the_conteiner_market
Flea_market Some of people trade in Saturday and Sonday in so called "flea markets". In such way they want to earn small amount of money, for their living. As usual they want to sell clothes that was in use and which become small for them, or become very old. In such markets is possible to buy everything from the second hand blade till pants that were washed.
Try to visit "Privoz" or "7km". These are markets that will tell to You a lot about life in Odessa. The comments are absent. They are terrible and biggest in Europe. Privoz
Kopijka_ukraijinska If You will meet crazy people in the street- don't smile please. They lost everything that they had. All money, they saved during their life become nothing after 1990. And now they live on pension, the size of which is 25 US dollars.
Don't pay attention to the huge amount of poor men, that will ask You to give to them money. Majority of them work for a one boss, as usual he or she is gipsy. It is known, that this guys provide work for cripples, and young mothers even abroad. Poor
Dogs Eyes of the majority people here, is possible to compare with eyes of a dog. They can be sad, angry, kind. Sad eyes are everywhere. The reason of this is absence of possibility to provide future, find work during fighting for this.
There a lot of people that have a rest in the caffes, pizzas, clubs. They spend money in such way and don't think what will be tomorrow. This is a characteristic feature of the poor country. As usual, such people will not have money for food tomorrow. Pizza
Shit_in_streets Almost everyone owner of the dog is a very big pig. Dogs of such owners shitting just in streets, even in the downtown. In the sleeping areas dogs are shitting in porches of the houses. The owner pass through this shit every morning, and says such words "...I must clean", but don't do anything.
Odessa is a city where first soviet jazz bands appeared. Jazz is a total improvisation in music, where everyone play it's own music. Today it's become the style of living. Jazz
WC If You will decide to swim in the sea, please do it. But remember, majority of people that surround You are prefer not to go to WC. The sea is closer and it is not needed to take swimming trunks off.- Economy of time and energy!!! Better to swim outside the city.

Garbage House Yard Bio_WC

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